AISN project

Integrating AI in Stroke Neurorehabilitation

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Latest publications and news


AISN meeting Interlaken

The first face-to-face meeting of the entire consortium. The partners discussed the scientific progress and made decisions on strategic developments.


GA meeting #02

The project started successfully. During the meeting, all work groups presented their achievements. Several newly hired project members presented their work. All AISN partners are highly engaged.


Innovation Day of Parc Sanitari SJD

Within the II Innovation Day of PSSJD, the PSSJD team presented the AISN project to an audience of 87 healthcare professionals, managers and representatives of other hospitals.

„Through the combination of machine learning and advanced data analytics and simulation, AISN shapes clinical decision-making in a patient-specific way concerning the patient's health status, prognostics of functional outcomes, and the dynamic regulation of interventions.“

Prof. Paul VerschureAISN coordinatorRadboud University

AISN partners