AISN project

Integrating AI in Stroke Neurorehabilitation

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Latest publications and news


Sharing brain imaging data in the Open Science era: how and why?

Giehl, Mutsaerts, Aarts, Barkhof, Caspers, Chetelat, Colin, Düzel, Frisoni, Ikram, Jovisich, Morbelli, Oertel, Paret, Perani, Ritter, Segura, Wisse, De Witte, Cappa, van Eimeren
The Lancet Digital Health | HEALTH POLICY| VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, E526-E535 | JULY 2024


GA meeting #04

During the meeting, all work groups presented their achievements. The AISN partners focused on the clinical trial definitions and preparations. The clinicians highlighted the national and individual requirements to integrate the AISN system in a clinical setting.

The clinical trial should start as planned in all hospitals.


Human connectome topology directs cortical traveling waves and shapes frequency gradients

Dominik P. Koller, Michael Schirner & Petra Ritter
Nat Commun 15, 3570 (2024)   |  2041-1723nbsp]  |   April 2024

„Through the combination of machine learning and advanced data analytics and simulation, AISN shapes clinical decision-making in a patient-specific way concerning the patient's health status, prognostics of functional outcomes, and the dynamic regulation of interventions.“

Prof. Paul VerschureAISN coordinatorRadboud University

AISN partners